- Sector: Fashion
- Revenue: > 70 milion €
The problem
Sinv Spa had to solve a problem of integration between the management software and the logistics software StockSystem (for the management of finished garments). The company chose not to use a more traditional technique, based on file transfer, as they needed every file to transit on the DB, because the logistics software is designed to interface with the SQL Server database tables. There was also the need to monitor, in a timely manner, the transaction flow and be alerted in the event of any anomalies.
The solution: DuploDB
The company has therefore decided to lean on our software DuploDB, for the data stream from AS400 to StockSystem and vice versa.
From the ERP on AS400, the packaging/shipping order is sent to the logistics application StockSystem, used by the departmental software for picking, for the personalization and the packaging of finished garments.
The packing process then provides that the logistics system creates the package with its articles and the data is synchronized in real-time to the AS400. The package is then weighted and labeled, and data is collected on AS400 via a special interface.
The package then continues to the storage platform, where the ID barcode of the package is read and stored by the operator through StockSystem. Information about storage is sent in real time from Duplo to AS400, so that customer service can verify which packages are ready to be shipped.
Packages will now be grouped logically for the shipping to the customer (process managed on AS400). This flow also provides for a return of data from AS400 toward StockSystem, to indicate to operators the picking missions of shipping pallets.
The confirmation of pickup is sent to AS400, so as to generate the customs bill/invoice. Also in this phase the data are synchronized in real time by Duplo, due to the great timeliness required.
Using our solution enabled the customer to fully manage the bidirectional flow of data between the management software on AS400 and the logistics application StockSystem on SQL Server database, located in a remote corporate office, at the finished product warehouse. All in real time and without errors.
A first great advantage obtained with the adoption of Duplo, consists in the fact that, compared to other solutions, the whole synchronization process occurs in background, without the need for supervision by the operator, as Duplo is equipped with an effective active monitoring system, able to automatically report any problems related to the alignment process of the data.
Moreover, the architecture adopted enables, in case of anomalies in the insertion or in data management, to readily trace the cause, thanks to a powerful system of tracking and interrogation of the updated data.
The possibility to interface the data in real time, without having to intervene at the application level, has allowed to keep the same architecture toward the automated systems of weighing/labeling, allowing to manage the bidirectional data synchronization in the short transition between the weighing of the package and the application of the shipping label on the package.